One thing that I understand intuitively is making progress requires going forward. Going forward implies, not looking back. Remember Lot’s wife. The Lord told us that once we put our hands to the plough, if we look back, we are not fit for the kingdom of God. A Christian’s focus must be forward looking. There is a reason that God did not give us eyes in the back of our heads. We are not to be looking from where we came but to see where we are going.
Numbers have a starting point and advance sequentially. Adding and multiplying is increasing numbers. They are progressing upward. Time moves in a linear fashion. We add to each year from 1 A.D. to present 2009 A.D. This should tell us that we should be making progress in our lives spiritually. Christians make progress because they have the life principle in their hearts. The Lord Jesus came to give Christians life and life more abundantly.
We know that if something is true, the opposite is also true. Non-Christians have the opposite principle working in their hearts. They are motivated to commit acts of death. Death is not progressive. It is a regression. Whenever and wherever sinners have the ascendency over public policy, the result will be those policies will bear the mark of regression and death. Abortion and homosexuality are regressions and are based upon the principle of death. This means that our present civil government’s policies are regressive and based upon death.
The only reason that regression and death have been codified in this country is because of the failure of the church. Most Protestants in America are Baptists. Baptists do not have any theory of civil government. This means that they support the Establishment, no matter the kind of Establishment. Baptists reject the law of God and by definition, they accept whatever civil law they find themselves under. Baptists are doctrinally regressive. Baptist theology is Pharisee theology.
When I talk about moving forward, most people imagine that I am talking in physical terms. This is not what I mean at all. I am talking about moving forward spiritually. The only way that you can move forward spiritually is to do it doctrinally. So what I mean by moving forward is moving forward doctrinally. This is what true progress consists of. We are presently living in a day when the second Reformation is being launched.
Some of us are not satisfied with the status quo i.e. the Establishment. The present Establishment needs to be disestablished because it is built upon the principle of death and the Pharisees. This disestablishment is going to take place spiritually. The pen is mightier than the sword. It will also happen because life overcomes death and light overcomes darkness. As the Lord told Moses to tell the children of God to go forward, God is once again calling His remnant to move forward doctrinally. We are well able to possess the land doctrinally.
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