Saturday, July 25, 2009


It never dawns on modern Christians as to who is the ultimate owner of all things. There is a lot of lip service among Christians that God owns it all, but their actions belie their words. There is a definite disconnect between actions and words when it comes to God’s ownership. The reason for this is simple, the modern Christian is an idolater. Being an idolater means that the modern Christian looks to the most powerful visible institution, civil government, and bows down and worships this idol.

The modern Christian knows nothing of spirituality. They are wholly devoid of the what makes a Christian a Christian, the Holy Spirit. The modern Christian is Christian in name only, not in action. The modern Christian is also an Establishment Christian. An Establishment Christian is interested solely in maintaining the status quo. The modern Christian reverses cause and effect and 2 Corinthians 5:7 which reads, "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" The modern Christian’s version of this verse reads, "For we walk by sight, not by faith." The modern Christian is content with the present civil government as constituted in Washington D.C.

The modern Christian starts out their proselytes in the book of John. It never occurs them to begin a new convert in the book of Genesis. A Christian needs to begin his faith in the beginning, not in the middle. The first chapter of Genesis declares God to be the Creator of heaven and earth. All life is dependent upon Him because He is Creator. All things exist because He willed that they exist. Man is answerable to his Maker.

Man does not want to be answerable to his Maker, so he rebels and puts his faith in the visible world rather than the invisible. The main institution that has brought about this rebellion is the government school system. The modern Christian is the wholly behind government schools. The modern Christian is all too willing to send his children into this atheistic training ground. After all this is where he learned to make the civil government an idol and he would not want to offend his visible god.

The modern Christian fears the IRS more than he does God. This is because he can see an IRS office and an IRS agent, but He cannot see God’s impending judgement, so he does not fear God. As long as the modern Christian gets his Social Security and Medicare from the government, he is content. After all, he received a free government school education. In his mind, all good things come from the visible civil government. He bows down and worships the golden calf of civil government.

The spiritual Christian recognizes that God is the Creator and therefore He owns all things and that there is only one law that can be instituted in God’s creation and that is God’s law, as contained in the first five books of the Bible. The spiritual Christian knows that God owns it all and thus, the spiritual Christian will work to institute God’s law into every facet of creation. Only spiritual Christians are capable of doing thus. The modern Christian worships a false god. Only spiritual Christians worship the true and living God.

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