Saturday, July 18, 2009


Very few people ever know what is going on. This statement is easily proved. Think about the prophets of the Old Testament. Time and time again, they told the people of Israel that impending doom awaited them if they did not turn from their evil ways. As is predictable, the children of Israel did not heed the words of the prophets and they suffered what the prophets had told them would happen to them.

The children of Israel were in the majority and the prophets were a small minority. It is no different today. Those who have understanding are still a small minority of the population. The vast majority of people do not know what is going on and furthermore, do not care. All that they care about is that they are able to live their physical lives. They disregard and have total disdain for the spiritual. They ignore the spiritual with all their heart.

Paul classified these people as carnally minded. Paul said to be carnally minded is death. The opposite are those who are spiritually minded. Paul said their lives would be characterized by life and peace. Paul was not referring to physical life, but spiritual life. What most people do not recognize is that there are two aspects of life, one is physical and the other is spiritual. The same goes for death. There is physical death and spiritual death. Failure to recognize these two aspects is to put everything in physical terms and thus be led into error.

For the past 180 years, the major eschatology has been Pre-Millennialism. This eschatology still dominates today. It is advocated by those who have carnal minds. The Pre-Millennialist takes a spiritual book, the Bible, and interprets the spiritual as physical. The errors that this leads to are legion. Based upon their interpretation, if they ever get anything correct it is a miracle. This is because Pre-Millennialists lack understanding. Those who view the world in physical terms are without understanding of the law of cause and effect.

Fortunately, the Bible is a spiritual book and the spiritual always triumphs over the physical. Post-Millennialism is the correct and spiritual eschatology. This eschatology is one of optimism. With the use of God’s law, the world can and will be Christianized. The efforts of the spiritual will pay off. Post-Millennialists think in the long term whereas, the Pre-Millennialist is concerned only with the present i.e. the imminent rapture of the church.

You would think that after 180 years have passed and still no imminent rapture that someone within the Pre-Millennialist camp would see that their interpretation of future events is wrong. They do not see it because they are not capable of seeing it. Pre-Millennialism preaches pessimism and the defeat of the church. Post-Millennialism offers the alternative of victory and optimism. Choose this day your eschatology. There are consequences to one’s eschatology.

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