Saturday, July 11, 2009


I know that it does not matter to most people what I think, but I am compelled to give my opinion anyway. The present Establishment needs to be completely overhauled. Let it be understood from the outset that civil government is not optional. God has established civil government. He, however, did not say that civil government was to disregard His law. God expects civil government to enforce His law.

In America, we have a two party political system, Democrat and Republican. There is basically no difference between the two. The Democrat Party is liberal humanism and the Republican Party is conservative humanism. The common ground between the two is that their starting point is humanism. Both parties agree that God has not spoken in finality with regard to the implementation of His law. They mistakenly believe since God has not spoken about His law, civil government is free to establish any policy that they want. In other words, there is no restraint from God.

Everyone knows that the Democrat Party stands for totalitarian government. Democrats are filled with people whose thinking is colored solely by the visible world. Democrats thinking is superficial in the extreme. The Democrat Party wants government to micro manage every aspect of its citizen’s lives. They do not want citizens to be able to think for themselves. They have been successful in this through the government school system. The citizens of Americas thinking is the direct method. The direct method is also the level of thinking of animals.

The Republican Party is supposed to be the opposite, but government expenditures increased dramatically under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of limited government, but in practice this party has given us more government, not less. Republicans will compromise when it comes to trying to institute public policy. Republicans have an inferiority complex. They want the Democrats to like them and to be taken seriously. Republicans will give up their voting base to appease the Democrats, every time.

The two political parties sole purpose is to keep the present Establishment in power. This is why they will bailout certain industries and financial institutions while ignoring those who do not deliver the political contributions and votes. The system is rigged in favor of the Establishment. Just look at the retirement packages that Congress has voted for themselves. These insiders look out for each other. No wonder politicians go to extremes to get voted in.

The church’s loyalty is to God and to God alone. When the civil government becomes tyrannical, as it is today, then it must be replaced with one that is based upon God’s law. This replacement is to be achieved peacefully through spiritual means and never by force. Force is what direct method thinkers use to try to get their way. The spiritual will always use the more effective indirect method.

The church’s roles is to be an advisor to the civil government. We are living in a time of separation of church and state in all aspects. There should be separation of church and state in function, not in law. The church is to proclaim the law and gospel and the civil government is to enforce God’s law. The church are to be experts in God’s law and inform the civil government as to God’s requirements. The church’s pastors are to be God’s lawyers. This is a call for the establishment of the Covenant Party to fulfill the biblical role of the church with regard to civil government.

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