Saturday, June 27, 2009


One thing that I have learned recently that I find to be absolutely so is that the direct method of doing anything is inefficient. Better results are obtained by using the indirect method. The indirect method requires thought before action. The indirect method uses understanding to solve issues. Most people do not do much thinking about how to approach a problem. They think if they tackle it head on, they will get the results they desire. They soon find out that things do not work out the way they intended.

We have to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. The Lord Jesus said that we are to go the extra mile. To get what we want, we have to see what the other person wants. It is always best to think of other people’s needs. Paul said that we were not to consider only our needs but other’s even to the point above our own. By doing this, we will also get what we want in a roundabout way. The roundabout method lets us escape the perception that we are only involved in an activity for selfish reasons.

We are living in an age of heresy. Most religious people do not know what heresy is. This is because they do not know what orthodox Christianity is. Orthodox Christianity has been under attack for centuries and now cults have gained more than a foothold. Some consider Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mormons to be orthodox Christianity. This is because there are not enough Orthodox Christians that are willing to confront these heretics.

Heresy falls under the Ninth Commandment which says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary’s second definition of heresy is "Heresy, in law, is an offense against Christianity, consisting in a denial of some of its essential doctrines, publicly avowed and obstinately maintained. Blackstone." Denial of essentials can only be accomplished by being opposed to truth. False doctrine is spread by false witnesses. Heretics look religious but inwardly they are liars.

The other day I was taking a nap on my couch when I heard a loud knock on the door. I answered the door and there was a large black lady standing on the porch. I immediately knew she was a Jehovah Witness. I did not let her try to tell me about what she believed. Since I am aggressive by nature, I told her that I knew more about her doctrine than she did. She asked me if I had studied with the Witnesses. She did not know that I am an orthodox Christian preacher.

What makes Jehovah Witnesses false witnesses? Jehovah Witnesses deny the doctrine of the Trinity. God is one God in three persons. Orthodox Christianity proclaims God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Jehovah Witnesses deny the divinity of Christ. They believe that Christ is a creature and not divine. This is heretical to the core. The Jehovah Witnesses deny eternal punishment. This is convenient for them. The truth of the matter is that Jehovah Witnesses are going to spend eternity with all other liars in the lake of fire which is the Second Death. All false witnesses deserve eternal punishment. God will make sure that the Jehovah Witnesses get what they deserve.

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