Friday, June 5, 2009


There has to be a first for everything. We have to realize that there had to be a first sinner. The chief and first sinner is Satan himself. The Bible does not give an in depth account of this creature just that he thought he could rise above God and take over and become God. What a fool Satan is. He attempted the impossible and failed. He is still going about to bring about the impossible. His efforts are a monumental waste of time and energy. In other words, he is the biggest failure of all time.

Satanism is the religion of atheism. Atheism is the religion of the material or physical world only. Atheism denies the spiritual nature in man. Genesis 1:26 says that God made man in His image. God is Spirit as John 4:24 says. Satan has to by definition deny that God exists. This means that Satan is forced to deny that man was made in the image of God. Satan’s doctrines will be materialistic. Satan’s doctrines will teach that man his wholly physical and in no way different from animals.

Satan is wholly opposite of God. God is life and Satan is representative of death. God’s ways lead to life and Satan’s leads to death. Theism is the way of life whereas atheism is the way of death. If God condemns sinful behavior, you will find Satan affirming the opposite. God works through representation i.e., man and so does Satan. Satan’s disciples will affirm abortion as a woman’s right to choose. What is the woman choosing? She is choosing the death penalty for the innocent. By the same token, Satan’s followers will deny the death penalty for murderers. They will give the death penalty to the innocent and give a life sentence to a murderer. Is this logical?

There are two types of people in the world. They are followers of the Lord and followers of Satan. Satan’s followers are easy to spot. Their policies instituted among men head straight down the path of failure, bankruptcy, and death. Unions have ended up destroying the companies they work for. An economic law says that you cannot pay people not to work. When a company pays above market wages and pays retirees, the company must recoup these costs. Thus, they must charge higher prices. Higher prices reduces the market for a product. Eventually, the company goes bankrupt. Think General Motors and Chrysler.

Unions are Satanic because they seek to limit men’s ability to earn a living. Unions seek to limit competition. Unions want a monopoly so that their members do not have to be ambitious. Unions base promotions on seniority, not ability. This means that those who are of superior ability will not want to stay in an union. Union members are a conglomeration of the mediocre at best. This means that the quality of union production will be inferior to a market of free entry for labor. Satan’s doctrines have consequences and the chief consequence is death in all that these policies touch.

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