Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have understood from the beginning that there are two systems to everything. There are two voices that are beckoning to be heard. It is a matter of which voice gets a hearing. These two voices are God’s and Satan’s. Each has a different voice and as a result different consequences by listening to one as opposed to the other. The center of these voices comeS from either Jerusalem or Athens.

In other words, we will either be following Hebrew thought or Greek thought. One is theistically based and the other will be atheistic. One is spiritual and the other solely material. If there is no God, then man becomes his own god. It is a designer god that comes into vogue. Differences between the two systems can be best highlighted by the way of contrast. Contrasts allow us to compare they two systems side by side. The goal is to extend these thought systems to their logical conclusion to see what the results will be.

Greek thought or humanism makes man the measure of everything. Humanism is thus, atheistic. Humanism does not allow for a God to whom man is accountable because man is his own god. This can lead in one direction, idolatry. When the First Commandment is violated by having another god i.e., man, then the Second Commandment is broken by definition. The Second Commandment prohibits the making of an image of the creation.

Paul described this idolatry (humanism) succinctly in Romans 1:25, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Man is a creature. When man worships himself as god, he is worshiping a false god. He becomes a liar and bears false witness against his neighbor. Instead of worshiping the true, he worships the false.

Paul wrote to a Greek church in 1 Thessalonians 1:9, "For they shew themselves of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, how ye turned from idols to God to serve the true and living God." This is proof positive of what happens when someone follows Greek thought. They become a humanist and an idolater. There is no other alternative because humanism does not allow for God.

Repentance then is the turning from idols (humanism) to be dedicated to the invisible Creator. Faith in God will find it repulsive to worship the creature. Faith in God is accepting Hebrew thought. It is wise to worship the Creator where idol worship is foolish. Idol worship is foolish because it is false and dead. Serving God is wise because He is true and living. The final conclusion then is that being a Hebrew is the only wise course of action.

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