Thursday, April 23, 2009


Reality has a way of creeping in on me. I have such drive and energy that I thought that I could convert the world to Christianity. I figured that everyone would want to be a Christian. I have found over these twenty years of being a Christian a much different story. I have found only a handful of people that understand what it means to be a Christian. The masses are unreachable. Only a remnant are currently following the Lord wholeheartedly.

The established church in America is so steeped in idolatry. It is no different today than when the Lord Jesus Christ was on this earth and when Paul saw that the city of Athens was wholly given over to idol worship. All churches that reject the law of God are in idolatry. The law being spiritual means that those who reject God’s law are rejecting spirituality. This means that their thought patterns can only go in one direction, to the physical which will lead to the worship of the creature rather than the Creator.

Most churches in America are against evolution in name only. They will decry that evolution is a pernicious doctrine that leads to atheism and yet, they send their children to the government schools to be taught evolution in every subject. These church members actions speak much louder than their words. They are hypocritical to the core. True Christians have long pulled their children out of these devil worshiping schools.

There are teachers who claim to be Christians that teach in these God forsaken institutions. Do they not understand what is being taught in these schools and how the Bible is censored? It is obvious that they are oblivious to reality. The pastors are silent regarding what is taught in the government schools because it just may be that their wives are school teachers and their children attend these godless places.

The religion of atheism is preached and established through the government schools. America has compulsory education. Church members willing send their children to learn about the devil and then go to their churches on Sunday and learn how to be good idolaters all in the name of their chief idol, Jesus. If truth will not prevail in the church, how will it prevail in American culture? Our present church world is hopeless. There is no hope of changing the majority. Only a remnant can be reached with the truth.

Since I became a Christian twenty years ago, the moral condition of America has only gotten worse. You know that a culture is on its last leg, when it allows for homosexuals to marry one another. Where is the church? They are waiting for the fairy tale rapture to take place. They are hidden against evil because they have nothing to fight evil with. Evil can only be overcome by good and Paul said in Romans 7:12 that the law is good. The American church is full of dolts. Unfortunately, idolatry in the church is too entrenched to be eradicated. Anyone standing for the truth is fighting a losing battle if they think they can convince church members to believe the truth. Most church members lack the ability to understand true Christianity. As Jesus, said, leave them alone.

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