Thursday, April 9, 2009


We are living in a downward cycle. America keeps heading farther into the abyss with no end in sight. For a long time the civil government has been at war with Christianity. Of course, it has not been much of a battle, for the civil government has long ago won the war. The church has not been in the battle for a long time. Those who know what has gone on are a small minority with no ability to effectively change the entrenched establishment.

This is a good situation to be in because the civil government has become overconfident and is in the process of destroying itself. This country is in the process of death. The theology of death is what has triumphed but this theology cannot sustain itself because it has no future and no hope. The theology of death leads to a condition of hopelessness. This is obvious by the rash of mass murders that have taken place over the last three months (February, March, and April 2009).

Anyone that knows the psychology of mass murder understands that those perpetrating these heinous crimes are at the end of their proverbial rope. Their goal is to take out as many people as possible and then commit suicide. Suicide is committed by people who do not have a future and have lost all hope. This is because they are trapped in the physical world. They lack any spirituality that would show them that, through repentance and faith in Christ, their hopeless state would be transformed into one of blessed hope.

This is all predictable, of course. When Christianity is rejected, the only alternative is death. So our civil government has legislated against life in favor of death. Our government has legislated darkness rather than light. Once this takes place, what follows is easy to understand, death. Our government has legislated death through abortion and homosexuality. Both of these abominable practices are open expressions that there is no future and thus, no hope. Children represent the future. Abortion and homosexuality prevent the birth of children and thus, the future.

Society has degenerated to a point with no moral direction from the church. The church of our day has lost its savor. There is a church on every street corner and yet death continues to gain the upper hand. This is because the modern church does not know what is going on. The modern church has accepted the operating principles of the enemies of God. The modern church are used as apologists for the death culture of America. How many church members voted for the abomination that is Obama?

The modern church is as wholly useless. God does not work through these churches. God has nothing to do with a church that will ordain a homosexual. Everyone that calls himself a Christian is not a Christian. The Lord Jesus Christ said that we will know false prophets by their actions. The modern church is a church full of false prophets. The sooner that the spiritual recognize that the modern church is apostate, the sooner the death culture can be transformed into the life culture.

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