Thursday, April 2, 2009


Faith is essential to the Christian. Without faith in God and His word, there is no Christianity. Either what God has said in His word is true or it is not. Most Christians do not put God’s word to practical use. For most Christians, God’s word only applies to them when they are in Church on Saturday evening. It is amazing how many church’s now have Saturday evening services. This is so they can do what they want on the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, Sunday.

Christianity is clearly on the slide downward. Whenever Christianity wanes, the civil government grows. This is because theologically the church has shifted its faith from the spiritual (God’s law) to the visible civil government (idolatry). Theology has consequences. This should not astound anyone. This is because Christians have been sent to, send their children to and now support the devil’s church, the government school system which includes all state colleges and universities.

The official religion of America is atheism. The government school system has no place for God in its curriculum. These hypocrites who decry any form of censorship, actively have censored the Bible from any government institution. Most Christians have accepted the presupposition of Satan, any law is acceptable but God’s law. Since they have rejected God’s law, the only other alternative is atheistic man’s law. This they will support because it is something that they can see with their physical eyes. This proves that we are living in a period of spiritual dearth.

God’s law decentralizes government. When God’s law is instituted, it limits the authority of any earthly entity. Only God is capable of governing the universe He created. Man is incapable because of man’s limitations of time, space, and knowledge. When Christians govern their lives under God’s law, they are putting their faith in God and His word. Rejection of God’s law leads in one direction, centralization. Centralization leads to totalitarian dictatorship which is the height of idolatry.

Decentralization breaks down large units into smaller units which become manageable and thus, governable. Centralization leads to bureaucracy, that is to govern too much, which means a loss of governability. Controlling too large an enterprise will eventually lead to fraud and waste. Too large an enterprise will eventually become unmanageable. When something become unmanageable, it has to be reformed. The best form of reformation is decentralization. Break it up and make it smaller i.e. governable.

The visible Christian thinks that bigger is better. The visible Christian will put his faith in largeness. It is what he can see with his physical eyes. He thinks a church is godly because of the numbers who attend. He does not know the invisible God. He has an idolatrous God. Those whose faith is in God will know that only God can govern the world. God governs the world through His law. This ensures the limitation of governments. God intends it to be this way. Think about the Tower of Babel.

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