Thursday, May 7, 2009


We are living in tumultuous times. There is nothing anchored down, so there is a constant drift into the abyss. Those who are currently in charge of setting our civil policy do not know what they are doing because they have no plan. Having a plan requires forethought. These elected officials have no forethought. This can only mean one thing, the whole of culture is headed for a great crash.

Make no mistake about it, this country has already crashed spiritually. What is transpiring is the crash of the culture objectively. The only thing that is holding back the inevitable crash is the inconsistency of its adherents. Fortunately, idolaters are not wholly consistent with their religious beliefs. Their open hypocrisy is a blessing to us all. While they scream at the top of their lungs we need green energy, they still fly in planes and drive automobiles.

While the young are being indoctrinated into the Green Religion at the government schools, the amount of carbon emissions being emitted at the time school starts and ends by parents and students driving cars and these indoctrinated students are released into the real world, is a lot. Those who really are involved in the green and conservation movements are those who are home schooled.

Home schooled students do not have to be transported to the central school. This saves the environment that the Green Religion worship. Even if home school is a co-op, classes are held once a week. So home schooling reduces carbon emissions. You would think that this would be something the Green Religion would embrace. This does not even enter into their thinking. They hate home schooling because they cannot indoctrinate these students with their drivel.

A culture is at its end when it wholly abandons the spiritual. When a culture abandons God’s law, it sets itself up for God’s judgment. God is not mocked, whatsoever a culture sows that is what it will reap. The world is reaping the judgement of God. The judgment of God is designed to bring about repentance, but usually what happens is that the recalcitrant heart defies God to a greater degree. This defiance is suicide.

The meek inherit the earth, not the humanist. This means that a culture that is at its end will demonstrate more and more the principles of death. Spiritual death means physical death. This is what we are seeing in open display in our culture. This death can be a slow and painful one. It may takes years before the final collapse is complete but make no mistake about it, the end will come to a culture that defies God.

God’s wrath is poured out against ungodliness. Wicked men will not prosper forever. Their days are limited. This is God’s world and His is the only government. Man can pass law after law but man does not have the power to enforce all of his laws. This present culture is at war with Christianity and ultimately God. This culture is bent on destroying itself which it will do. The question becomes what will rise out of the ashes?

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