Saturday, July 25, 2009


It never dawns on modern Christians as to who is the ultimate owner of all things. There is a lot of lip service among Christians that God owns it all, but their actions belie their words. There is a definite disconnect between actions and words when it comes to God’s ownership. The reason for this is simple, the modern Christian is an idolater. Being an idolater means that the modern Christian looks to the most powerful visible institution, civil government, and bows down and worships this idol.

The modern Christian knows nothing of spirituality. They are wholly devoid of the what makes a Christian a Christian, the Holy Spirit. The modern Christian is Christian in name only, not in action. The modern Christian is also an Establishment Christian. An Establishment Christian is interested solely in maintaining the status quo. The modern Christian reverses cause and effect and 2 Corinthians 5:7 which reads, "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" The modern Christian’s version of this verse reads, "For we walk by sight, not by faith." The modern Christian is content with the present civil government as constituted in Washington D.C.

The modern Christian starts out their proselytes in the book of John. It never occurs them to begin a new convert in the book of Genesis. A Christian needs to begin his faith in the beginning, not in the middle. The first chapter of Genesis declares God to be the Creator of heaven and earth. All life is dependent upon Him because He is Creator. All things exist because He willed that they exist. Man is answerable to his Maker.

Man does not want to be answerable to his Maker, so he rebels and puts his faith in the visible world rather than the invisible. The main institution that has brought about this rebellion is the government school system. The modern Christian is the wholly behind government schools. The modern Christian is all too willing to send his children into this atheistic training ground. After all this is where he learned to make the civil government an idol and he would not want to offend his visible god.

The modern Christian fears the IRS more than he does God. This is because he can see an IRS office and an IRS agent, but He cannot see God’s impending judgement, so he does not fear God. As long as the modern Christian gets his Social Security and Medicare from the government, he is content. After all, he received a free government school education. In his mind, all good things come from the visible civil government. He bows down and worships the golden calf of civil government.

The spiritual Christian recognizes that God is the Creator and therefore He owns all things and that there is only one law that can be instituted in God’s creation and that is God’s law, as contained in the first five books of the Bible. The spiritual Christian knows that God owns it all and thus, the spiritual Christian will work to institute God’s law into every facet of creation. Only spiritual Christians are capable of doing thus. The modern Christian worships a false god. Only spiritual Christians worship the true and living God.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Very few people ever know what is going on. This statement is easily proved. Think about the prophets of the Old Testament. Time and time again, they told the people of Israel that impending doom awaited them if they did not turn from their evil ways. As is predictable, the children of Israel did not heed the words of the prophets and they suffered what the prophets had told them would happen to them.

The children of Israel were in the majority and the prophets were a small minority. It is no different today. Those who have understanding are still a small minority of the population. The vast majority of people do not know what is going on and furthermore, do not care. All that they care about is that they are able to live their physical lives. They disregard and have total disdain for the spiritual. They ignore the spiritual with all their heart.

Paul classified these people as carnally minded. Paul said to be carnally minded is death. The opposite are those who are spiritually minded. Paul said their lives would be characterized by life and peace. Paul was not referring to physical life, but spiritual life. What most people do not recognize is that there are two aspects of life, one is physical and the other is spiritual. The same goes for death. There is physical death and spiritual death. Failure to recognize these two aspects is to put everything in physical terms and thus be led into error.

For the past 180 years, the major eschatology has been Pre-Millennialism. This eschatology still dominates today. It is advocated by those who have carnal minds. The Pre-Millennialist takes a spiritual book, the Bible, and interprets the spiritual as physical. The errors that this leads to are legion. Based upon their interpretation, if they ever get anything correct it is a miracle. This is because Pre-Millennialists lack understanding. Those who view the world in physical terms are without understanding of the law of cause and effect.

Fortunately, the Bible is a spiritual book and the spiritual always triumphs over the physical. Post-Millennialism is the correct and spiritual eschatology. This eschatology is one of optimism. With the use of God’s law, the world can and will be Christianized. The efforts of the spiritual will pay off. Post-Millennialists think in the long term whereas, the Pre-Millennialist is concerned only with the present i.e. the imminent rapture of the church.

You would think that after 180 years have passed and still no imminent rapture that someone within the Pre-Millennialist camp would see that their interpretation of future events is wrong. They do not see it because they are not capable of seeing it. Pre-Millennialism preaches pessimism and the defeat of the church. Post-Millennialism offers the alternative of victory and optimism. Choose this day your eschatology. There are consequences to one’s eschatology.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I know that it does not matter to most people what I think, but I am compelled to give my opinion anyway. The present Establishment needs to be completely overhauled. Let it be understood from the outset that civil government is not optional. God has established civil government. He, however, did not say that civil government was to disregard His law. God expects civil government to enforce His law.

In America, we have a two party political system, Democrat and Republican. There is basically no difference between the two. The Democrat Party is liberal humanism and the Republican Party is conservative humanism. The common ground between the two is that their starting point is humanism. Both parties agree that God has not spoken in finality with regard to the implementation of His law. They mistakenly believe since God has not spoken about His law, civil government is free to establish any policy that they want. In other words, there is no restraint from God.

Everyone knows that the Democrat Party stands for totalitarian government. Democrats are filled with people whose thinking is colored solely by the visible world. Democrats thinking is superficial in the extreme. The Democrat Party wants government to micro manage every aspect of its citizen’s lives. They do not want citizens to be able to think for themselves. They have been successful in this through the government school system. The citizens of Americas thinking is the direct method. The direct method is also the level of thinking of animals.

The Republican Party is supposed to be the opposite, but government expenditures increased dramatically under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of limited government, but in practice this party has given us more government, not less. Republicans will compromise when it comes to trying to institute public policy. Republicans have an inferiority complex. They want the Democrats to like them and to be taken seriously. Republicans will give up their voting base to appease the Democrats, every time.

The two political parties sole purpose is to keep the present Establishment in power. This is why they will bailout certain industries and financial institutions while ignoring those who do not deliver the political contributions and votes. The system is rigged in favor of the Establishment. Just look at the retirement packages that Congress has voted for themselves. These insiders look out for each other. No wonder politicians go to extremes to get voted in.

The church’s loyalty is to God and to God alone. When the civil government becomes tyrannical, as it is today, then it must be replaced with one that is based upon God’s law. This replacement is to be achieved peacefully through spiritual means and never by force. Force is what direct method thinkers use to try to get their way. The spiritual will always use the more effective indirect method.

The church’s roles is to be an advisor to the civil government. We are living in a time of separation of church and state in all aspects. There should be separation of church and state in function, not in law. The church is to proclaim the law and gospel and the civil government is to enforce God’s law. The church are to be experts in God’s law and inform the civil government as to God’s requirements. The church’s pastors are to be God’s lawyers. This is a call for the establishment of the Covenant Party to fulfill the biblical role of the church with regard to civil government.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


One thing that I understand intuitively is making progress requires going forward. Going forward implies, not looking back. Remember Lot’s wife. The Lord told us that once we put our hands to the plough, if we look back, we are not fit for the kingdom of God. A Christian’s focus must be forward looking. There is a reason that God did not give us eyes in the back of our heads. We are not to be looking from where we came but to see where we are going.

Numbers have a starting point and advance sequentially. Adding and multiplying is increasing numbers. They are progressing upward. Time moves in a linear fashion. We add to each year from 1 A.D. to present 2009 A.D. This should tell us that we should be making progress in our lives spiritually. Christians make progress because they have the life principle in their hearts. The Lord Jesus came to give Christians life and life more abundantly.

We know that if something is true, the opposite is also true. Non-Christians have the opposite principle working in their hearts. They are motivated to commit acts of death. Death is not progressive. It is a regression. Whenever and wherever sinners have the ascendency over public policy, the result will be those policies will bear the mark of regression and death. Abortion and homosexuality are regressions and are based upon the principle of death. This means that our present civil government’s policies are regressive and based upon death.

The only reason that regression and death have been codified in this country is because of the failure of the church. Most Protestants in America are Baptists. Baptists do not have any theory of civil government. This means that they support the Establishment, no matter the kind of Establishment. Baptists reject the law of God and by definition, they accept whatever civil law they find themselves under. Baptists are doctrinally regressive. Baptist theology is Pharisee theology.

When I talk about moving forward, most people imagine that I am talking in physical terms. This is not what I mean at all. I am talking about moving forward spiritually. The only way that you can move forward spiritually is to do it doctrinally. So what I mean by moving forward is moving forward doctrinally. This is what true progress consists of. We are presently living in a day when the second Reformation is being launched.

Some of us are not satisfied with the status quo i.e. the Establishment. The present Establishment needs to be disestablished because it is built upon the principle of death and the Pharisees. This disestablishment is going to take place spiritually. The pen is mightier than the sword. It will also happen because life overcomes death and light overcomes darkness. As the Lord told Moses to tell the children of God to go forward, God is once again calling His remnant to move forward doctrinally. We are well able to possess the land doctrinally.