Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have understood from the beginning that there are two systems to everything. There are two voices that are beckoning to be heard. It is a matter of which voice gets a hearing. These two voices are God’s and Satan’s. Each has a different voice and as a result different consequences by listening to one as opposed to the other. The center of these voices comeS from either Jerusalem or Athens.

In other words, we will either be following Hebrew thought or Greek thought. One is theistically based and the other will be atheistic. One is spiritual and the other solely material. If there is no God, then man becomes his own god. It is a designer god that comes into vogue. Differences between the two systems can be best highlighted by the way of contrast. Contrasts allow us to compare they two systems side by side. The goal is to extend these thought systems to their logical conclusion to see what the results will be.

Greek thought or humanism makes man the measure of everything. Humanism is thus, atheistic. Humanism does not allow for a God to whom man is accountable because man is his own god. This can lead in one direction, idolatry. When the First Commandment is violated by having another god i.e., man, then the Second Commandment is broken by definition. The Second Commandment prohibits the making of an image of the creation.

Paul described this idolatry (humanism) succinctly in Romans 1:25, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Man is a creature. When man worships himself as god, he is worshiping a false god. He becomes a liar and bears false witness against his neighbor. Instead of worshiping the true, he worships the false.

Paul wrote to a Greek church in 1 Thessalonians 1:9, "For they shew themselves of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, how ye turned from idols to God to serve the true and living God." This is proof positive of what happens when someone follows Greek thought. They become a humanist and an idolater. There is no other alternative because humanism does not allow for God.

Repentance then is the turning from idols (humanism) to be dedicated to the invisible Creator. Faith in God will find it repulsive to worship the creature. Faith in God is accepting Hebrew thought. It is wise to worship the Creator where idol worship is foolish. Idol worship is foolish because it is false and dead. Serving God is wise because He is true and living. The final conclusion then is that being a Hebrew is the only wise course of action.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Reality has a way of creeping in on me. I have such drive and energy that I thought that I could convert the world to Christianity. I figured that everyone would want to be a Christian. I have found over these twenty years of being a Christian a much different story. I have found only a handful of people that understand what it means to be a Christian. The masses are unreachable. Only a remnant are currently following the Lord wholeheartedly.

The established church in America is so steeped in idolatry. It is no different today than when the Lord Jesus Christ was on this earth and when Paul saw that the city of Athens was wholly given over to idol worship. All churches that reject the law of God are in idolatry. The law being spiritual means that those who reject God’s law are rejecting spirituality. This means that their thought patterns can only go in one direction, to the physical which will lead to the worship of the creature rather than the Creator.

Most churches in America are against evolution in name only. They will decry that evolution is a pernicious doctrine that leads to atheism and yet, they send their children to the government schools to be taught evolution in every subject. These church members actions speak much louder than their words. They are hypocritical to the core. True Christians have long pulled their children out of these devil worshiping schools.

There are teachers who claim to be Christians that teach in these God forsaken institutions. Do they not understand what is being taught in these schools and how the Bible is censored? It is obvious that they are oblivious to reality. The pastors are silent regarding what is taught in the government schools because it just may be that their wives are school teachers and their children attend these godless places.

The religion of atheism is preached and established through the government schools. America has compulsory education. Church members willing send their children to learn about the devil and then go to their churches on Sunday and learn how to be good idolaters all in the name of their chief idol, Jesus. If truth will not prevail in the church, how will it prevail in American culture? Our present church world is hopeless. There is no hope of changing the majority. Only a remnant can be reached with the truth.

Since I became a Christian twenty years ago, the moral condition of America has only gotten worse. You know that a culture is on its last leg, when it allows for homosexuals to marry one another. Where is the church? They are waiting for the fairy tale rapture to take place. They are hidden against evil because they have nothing to fight evil with. Evil can only be overcome by good and Paul said in Romans 7:12 that the law is good. The American church is full of dolts. Unfortunately, idolatry in the church is too entrenched to be eradicated. Anyone standing for the truth is fighting a losing battle if they think they can convince church members to believe the truth. Most church members lack the ability to understand true Christianity. As Jesus, said, leave them alone.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The phrase "In the beginning" is familiar to all who have the read the Bible. It is the first phrase in the Bible. It is grammatically a prepositional phrase. Beginning of what? It is the beginning of the created or visible world. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth is the full verse of Genesis 1:1. God is the cause of the visible world we call the creation. The word creation means that the world did not exist prior to God’s causing it to exist. This means that nothing existed prior to God.

This means that God had to create the world out of nothing since nothing existed prior to God. Matter is thus not eternal as the Greeks have presupposed but the direct creation of a Creator. God as the ultimate Cause has the power of action to bring about the results He desires. This power of action is also personal. Therefore, God is the personal Creator. To be spiritual is also to be personal. Thus, God’s created world is a personal world.

Anything that renders the world impersonal is false doctrine. All false doctrines make God an impersonal God and a God that is not spiritual. An impersonal God is one who is not the First Cause. An impersonal God becomes at best a superman, not the Ultimate Cause. An impersonal God is more an effect than a cause. An impersonal world frees man from being accountable to a Creator. This is why man apart from God desires to make the world impersonal. He thinks that it will make him not accountable to anyone but himself.

The world that God created is governed upon the principle of cause and effect. Not just cause and effect but ethical cause and effect. All causes are spiritual and thus, personal. Man is a cause but always a secondary one. Causes possess the power of action and this power of action will always be personal. When someone murders another, it is done personally. Murder is performed with the hands and since hands come in pairs, they serve as double witnesses that the personal actions of the murderer are evil.

We all have personalities. Personality is spiritual because it is invisible. This personality of the individual allows the person to perform actions. The rule is, change the cause and the effect will change. Change the heart of the individual (cause) from sinner to saint and the actions (effects) of the person will go from evil to good. This is why the heart (the cause of action) must be changed. If the cause remains the same, the effect will remain the same.

When talking about ethical cause and effect, we are to understand that the law of God is personal. Since God governs the world based upon ethical cause and effect and He is a personal God and we are made in His image, it follows that we are to base our actions upon the spiritual or personal. Romans 7:14 informs us "For we know that the law of God is spiritual..." i.e. personal. Understanding cause and effect makes us responsible for our actions. The law of cause and effect engenders personal responsibility for our actions.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We are living in a downward cycle. America keeps heading farther into the abyss with no end in sight. For a long time the civil government has been at war with Christianity. Of course, it has not been much of a battle, for the civil government has long ago won the war. The church has not been in the battle for a long time. Those who know what has gone on are a small minority with no ability to effectively change the entrenched establishment.

This is a good situation to be in because the civil government has become overconfident and is in the process of destroying itself. This country is in the process of death. The theology of death is what has triumphed but this theology cannot sustain itself because it has no future and no hope. The theology of death leads to a condition of hopelessness. This is obvious by the rash of mass murders that have taken place over the last three months (February, March, and April 2009).

Anyone that knows the psychology of mass murder understands that those perpetrating these heinous crimes are at the end of their proverbial rope. Their goal is to take out as many people as possible and then commit suicide. Suicide is committed by people who do not have a future and have lost all hope. This is because they are trapped in the physical world. They lack any spirituality that would show them that, through repentance and faith in Christ, their hopeless state would be transformed into one of blessed hope.

This is all predictable, of course. When Christianity is rejected, the only alternative is death. So our civil government has legislated against life in favor of death. Our government has legislated darkness rather than light. Once this takes place, what follows is easy to understand, death. Our government has legislated death through abortion and homosexuality. Both of these abominable practices are open expressions that there is no future and thus, no hope. Children represent the future. Abortion and homosexuality prevent the birth of children and thus, the future.

Society has degenerated to a point with no moral direction from the church. The church of our day has lost its savor. There is a church on every street corner and yet death continues to gain the upper hand. This is because the modern church does not know what is going on. The modern church has accepted the operating principles of the enemies of God. The modern church are used as apologists for the death culture of America. How many church members voted for the abomination that is Obama?

The modern church is as wholly useless. God does not work through these churches. God has nothing to do with a church that will ordain a homosexual. Everyone that calls himself a Christian is not a Christian. The Lord Jesus Christ said that we will know false prophets by their actions. The modern church is a church full of false prophets. The sooner that the spiritual recognize that the modern church is apostate, the sooner the death culture can be transformed into the life culture.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Faith is essential to the Christian. Without faith in God and His word, there is no Christianity. Either what God has said in His word is true or it is not. Most Christians do not put God’s word to practical use. For most Christians, God’s word only applies to them when they are in Church on Saturday evening. It is amazing how many church’s now have Saturday evening services. This is so they can do what they want on the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, Sunday.

Christianity is clearly on the slide downward. Whenever Christianity wanes, the civil government grows. This is because theologically the church has shifted its faith from the spiritual (God’s law) to the visible civil government (idolatry). Theology has consequences. This should not astound anyone. This is because Christians have been sent to, send their children to and now support the devil’s church, the government school system which includes all state colleges and universities.

The official religion of America is atheism. The government school system has no place for God in its curriculum. These hypocrites who decry any form of censorship, actively have censored the Bible from any government institution. Most Christians have accepted the presupposition of Satan, any law is acceptable but God’s law. Since they have rejected God’s law, the only other alternative is atheistic man’s law. This they will support because it is something that they can see with their physical eyes. This proves that we are living in a period of spiritual dearth.

God’s law decentralizes government. When God’s law is instituted, it limits the authority of any earthly entity. Only God is capable of governing the universe He created. Man is incapable because of man’s limitations of time, space, and knowledge. When Christians govern their lives under God’s law, they are putting their faith in God and His word. Rejection of God’s law leads in one direction, centralization. Centralization leads to totalitarian dictatorship which is the height of idolatry.

Decentralization breaks down large units into smaller units which become manageable and thus, governable. Centralization leads to bureaucracy, that is to govern too much, which means a loss of governability. Controlling too large an enterprise will eventually lead to fraud and waste. Too large an enterprise will eventually become unmanageable. When something become unmanageable, it has to be reformed. The best form of reformation is decentralization. Break it up and make it smaller i.e. governable.

The visible Christian thinks that bigger is better. The visible Christian will put his faith in largeness. It is what he can see with his physical eyes. He thinks a church is godly because of the numbers who attend. He does not know the invisible God. He has an idolatrous God. Those whose faith is in God will know that only God can govern the world. God governs the world through His law. This ensures the limitation of governments. God intends it to be this way. Think about the Tower of Babel.