Saturday, June 27, 2009


One thing that I have learned recently that I find to be absolutely so is that the direct method of doing anything is inefficient. Better results are obtained by using the indirect method. The indirect method requires thought before action. The indirect method uses understanding to solve issues. Most people do not do much thinking about how to approach a problem. They think if they tackle it head on, they will get the results they desire. They soon find out that things do not work out the way they intended.

We have to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. The Lord Jesus said that we are to go the extra mile. To get what we want, we have to see what the other person wants. It is always best to think of other people’s needs. Paul said that we were not to consider only our needs but other’s even to the point above our own. By doing this, we will also get what we want in a roundabout way. The roundabout method lets us escape the perception that we are only involved in an activity for selfish reasons.

We are living in an age of heresy. Most religious people do not know what heresy is. This is because they do not know what orthodox Christianity is. Orthodox Christianity has been under attack for centuries and now cults have gained more than a foothold. Some consider Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mormons to be orthodox Christianity. This is because there are not enough Orthodox Christians that are willing to confront these heretics.

Heresy falls under the Ninth Commandment which says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary’s second definition of heresy is "Heresy, in law, is an offense against Christianity, consisting in a denial of some of its essential doctrines, publicly avowed and obstinately maintained. Blackstone." Denial of essentials can only be accomplished by being opposed to truth. False doctrine is spread by false witnesses. Heretics look religious but inwardly they are liars.

The other day I was taking a nap on my couch when I heard a loud knock on the door. I answered the door and there was a large black lady standing on the porch. I immediately knew she was a Jehovah Witness. I did not let her try to tell me about what she believed. Since I am aggressive by nature, I told her that I knew more about her doctrine than she did. She asked me if I had studied with the Witnesses. She did not know that I am an orthodox Christian preacher.

What makes Jehovah Witnesses false witnesses? Jehovah Witnesses deny the doctrine of the Trinity. God is one God in three persons. Orthodox Christianity proclaims God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Jehovah Witnesses deny the divinity of Christ. They believe that Christ is a creature and not divine. This is heretical to the core. The Jehovah Witnesses deny eternal punishment. This is convenient for them. The truth of the matter is that Jehovah Witnesses are going to spend eternity with all other liars in the lake of fire which is the Second Death. All false witnesses deserve eternal punishment. God will make sure that the Jehovah Witnesses get what they deserve.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


We are living in an age of increasing stupidity. The stupidity that I am referring to is based on ethics. Most people are ethically stupid. The Bible refers to stupidity as foolishness. From this frame of reference, most people are ethically foolish. The worst problem in the world is antinomianism. Antinomianism is anti-ethical. These people are anti-law. They will not follow rules unless they are to their liking or they can gain an advantage from a particular law. Then they are wholly for rules.

It must be hard to live by a double standard. Double standards are characterized by double minds or schizophrenia. Being double minded ensures that a person will be inconsistent in their behavior. These kind of people can be nice one minute and inconsiderate and rude the next. You never know what will set them off. When these double minded people are confronted with their inconsistency, they assume an aura of piety. They will say such things as, I am going to pray for you. Question is, who is going to hear their prayer? God certainly won’t.

James 1:8 reads, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." The word double-minded means two spirited or vacillating in opinion and purpose. Unstable is inconstant i.e., inconsistent. Double mindedness leads in one direction, that of being unstable ethically. James 1:7 says this of the double minded man, "For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." The double minded can pray but God does not hear nor answer their prayers. Their prayers are therefore, an exercise in futility.

A recent example will suffice in driving home the point of being double minded. I went to Wal-Mart the other day to pick up a few items. I ended up in the express check out which is 20 items or less. This is the rule for express check out. The good lady in front of me (I think she was a Baptist) clearly had more than 20 items. In fact, she had a shopping cart full of items. I kept repeating the rule to her about 20 items. She must have been feeling guilty because she responded back to me. She told me to shut up.

At one point, she became pious and said that she would pray for me. Others in line also commented about her behavior and she responded back to them that basically they should mind their own business. Through the whole ordeal of checking out she had many things to say about me and how I dared to call her to account. People like this lady always try to confuse the issue and make it appear as though you are in the wrong. People like this lady have no conscience. They see everyone else as wrong and them always right. People like her become dictatorial. When she told me to shut up, she was dictating to me what I could and could not do.

The stupidest thing that she called me was immature. For a Baptist, she sure is judgmental. How was I immature? The real child in this situation is her. She purposely refused to follow the rules of the express check out. It is clear that she is the immature one. She is also inconsiderate and rude. Actually, I was walking in love toward her by pointing out her ethical lapse. She had the opportunity to confess her wrong but she like her father Cain refused to humble herself and repent.

Another stupid thing she said to us in line was that the way we treated her was going to come back to us. She is not bright enough to realize that she is going to get into continual arguments with people when she pulls the same stupid stunt again. Fortunately, there is a place for this woman and it is called the lake of fire. This woman is going to experience eternal punishment and she will deserve it for the way that she treated others.

She did not know that she was arguing with a preacher. She would have been shocked. She is used to wimpy Baptist preachers who would never offend an ethical rebel. In fact, most Baptist preachers would have told me I should have minded my own business. This is because they are like this woman in ethical rebellion against God’s law. Occasionally, you have to argue with the ethically stupid. They are not going to change their behavior but at least the law is preached.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I write many of my articles based upon my experiences. As a recent example, I was relaying an incident that occurred to me to a receiver at Wal-Mart that is a Baptist. As I told him what had happened, he reacted negatively to something that I said by saying that I was being harsh. It was at that point that I realized that his theology is morally soft. This is a common occurrence in the church of our day. The church is morally soft.

There is an old saying that goes when things get tough the tough get going. What happens when times get tough, what happens to the soft? They do not get going, they capitulate. The consistent in any endeavor always dominate. Anyone who believes that we live in a soft world is deceived. Evil is ever present among us and evil must be overcome by persistent goodness. Theological softness produces moral softness.

The one doctrine that the church has forgotten or has watered down is eternal punishment. We act as though God is morally soft. We have forgotten just how tough God is on sin and punishment for sin. We think in this present age that God is not opposed to sin like He was in the Old Testament. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We need a theology that is full of fire and brimstone. All law-breakers’ place will be in the lake of fire which is the second death.

Some how we think that we get a better hearing if we leave out some of our of doctrines. Most people have no problem in proclaiming that God is love but when it comes to saying that God is a God of wrath, they want to hide this truth. Most people do not understand how to preach the gospel. Preaching the gospel requires giving the bad news first before giving the good news. It is no wonder that many who profess Christianity have never repented of their sins.

They were presented a false gospel of getting the news that Jesus had died for their sins with sins being undefined, and He wants to come into your life and make everything wonderful for you. Really, what they needed to hear is how sinful and wicked they were and how deserving of eternal punishment they were, prior to showing them how to get relief from their wicked state. The negative must always come before the positive. This is the only effective way of preaching.

The law of God must be used to bring the sinner under conviction (rendered guilty) for their sins before someone will be willing to amend their ways and their behavior change for the good. This is called repentance. Since the law of God is no longer used to bring sinners under conviction what we get are people who have never repented and this lack of repentance leads to the moral softness of the present church.

Back to the incident that I related to the receiver at Wal-Mart. We had been in church on Sunday, May 31, 2009. I noticed about 5 teens standing in the street out in front of the church after service. When I was going to the parsonage, I noticed that my wife had a broom and dust pan in her hands. I asked her what was going on. She said that some kids had broken a beer bottle against the curb where we park our cars. She said that she hoped that she got it all up.

She told me that she heard these kids outside and heard the breaking of the bottle. She asked them who was going to clean up the mess. They of course ignored her. I knew that they went to the park by our house, so I hopped in the car and went to confront them. I found them at the park. The one who had broken the bottle, a teen about 15 years old was smoking a cigarette. There was a younger boy and two teen girls with him. I asked who had broken the beer bottle.

They all told me that they did not do it. I knew that they were lying. I told the teen boy that it was illegal for him to be smoking. As they walked by, I told them that they were liars and then I told the teen boy who I knew broke the beer bottle, that I hoped he died and went to hell. This is what the receiver at Wal-Mart said was harsh. What he did not realize that I was attempting to awaken this teen that his behavior has him headed to eternal punishment.

Let us analyze the actions of this teen before anyone says I am harsh. What had he done? He was destructive in the breaking of the beer bottle. Had my wife not heard what was going on, our daughter would have come home and driven over the glass and I would have to buy a new tire. When this teen was asked to tell the truth, he lied. He is of his father the devil, the chief of all liars. On top of this, he was being a law breaker by smoking under age. This teen is a law-breaker and law-breakers are harsh, not me.

It is amazing that the Baptists, who are the first to claim Matthew 7:1 of not judging, judges me as being harsh. That is a judgment. What is astounding is that this receiver did not take into account the actions of this teen. He did not judge the teen, he judged me. He judged the righteous, not the wicked. This is what happens when the church rejects God’s law. The church becomes Pharisees. This receiver ended up justifying the wicked rather than condemning them.

This is the reason I despise Baptist theology. It is the Pharisee’s theology. It is the same one that put Jesus on the cross. I learned a lesson from this situation. Do not relate incidents in your lives to those who reject God’s law and call themselves brothers. They will condemn you and justify the wicked. The Bible tells us not to throw our pearls before swine. I personally like this receiver at Wal-Mart but I realize it is better not to bring up theology with him. Father forgive him because he knows not what he does.

Friday, June 5, 2009


There has to be a first for everything. We have to realize that there had to be a first sinner. The chief and first sinner is Satan himself. The Bible does not give an in depth account of this creature just that he thought he could rise above God and take over and become God. What a fool Satan is. He attempted the impossible and failed. He is still going about to bring about the impossible. His efforts are a monumental waste of time and energy. In other words, he is the biggest failure of all time.

Satanism is the religion of atheism. Atheism is the religion of the material or physical world only. Atheism denies the spiritual nature in man. Genesis 1:26 says that God made man in His image. God is Spirit as John 4:24 says. Satan has to by definition deny that God exists. This means that Satan is forced to deny that man was made in the image of God. Satan’s doctrines will be materialistic. Satan’s doctrines will teach that man his wholly physical and in no way different from animals.

Satan is wholly opposite of God. God is life and Satan is representative of death. God’s ways lead to life and Satan’s leads to death. Theism is the way of life whereas atheism is the way of death. If God condemns sinful behavior, you will find Satan affirming the opposite. God works through representation i.e., man and so does Satan. Satan’s disciples will affirm abortion as a woman’s right to choose. What is the woman choosing? She is choosing the death penalty for the innocent. By the same token, Satan’s followers will deny the death penalty for murderers. They will give the death penalty to the innocent and give a life sentence to a murderer. Is this logical?

There are two types of people in the world. They are followers of the Lord and followers of Satan. Satan’s followers are easy to spot. Their policies instituted among men head straight down the path of failure, bankruptcy, and death. Unions have ended up destroying the companies they work for. An economic law says that you cannot pay people not to work. When a company pays above market wages and pays retirees, the company must recoup these costs. Thus, they must charge higher prices. Higher prices reduces the market for a product. Eventually, the company goes bankrupt. Think General Motors and Chrysler.

Unions are Satanic because they seek to limit men’s ability to earn a living. Unions seek to limit competition. Unions want a monopoly so that their members do not have to be ambitious. Unions base promotions on seniority, not ability. This means that those who are of superior ability will not want to stay in an union. Union members are a conglomeration of the mediocre at best. This means that the quality of union production will be inferior to a market of free entry for labor. Satan’s doctrines have consequences and the chief consequence is death in all that these policies touch.