Saturday, December 29, 2007


I read the article by Bill Stone. The same old socialist drivel. Socialism is his religious faith. He does not understand real economics because his religious bigotry of class warfare i.e. the haves and the have nots blinds him. He wants government to pay for everything rather than having individuals take responsibility for their own actions. Socialists are full of envy. They want to level the playing field through de-capitalizing taxation.

The socialist are vehemently opposed to the Ten Commandments. They do not like the one that says, "Thou shalt not steal." Socialists want to steal from the productive (rich) and give to the unproductive (lazy). They do this through the policy of the unfair tax policy of Karl Marx known as progressive taxation. Also through confiscatory taxes such as property and estate taxes. Socialists believe what is yours is theirs. They hate private property. They are clearly anti-family. They do not want families to inherit but they want their parent to inherit, the government. They believe that the government is obligated to take care of them from womb to tomb They promise freedom but their system always leads to a totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the elite. Socialism is death to liberty.

The Bible teaches free enterprise. People need to work and they can even start their own businesses and become rich. Socialism believes in salvation by equality. In their view, inequalities are a sin. They do not understand the division of labor. Not everyone has the capacity or ability to perform certain professions. Men still do not have babies. Inequalities in life are inescapable concepts. The socialist utopians cannot comprehend this. Their faith will not allow it. I put my faith and trust in God, not in government. He owns it all anyway, not the government.

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