Saturday, December 15, 2007


The received faith of our day for the naive is the myth of neutrality. Neutrality does not exist. We are assured that we do not have anything to worry about from evolution. Ideas have consequences and evolutionary ideas have fatal results. Evolution is the biggest hoax and fairy tale ever perpetrated on the mind of man. Science and evolution are not the same. Evolution is the religion of no God, only man. It is death to God and also man.

If evolution were true, likes would beget unlikes (abiogenesis). The Bible teaches likes beget likes. When scientists do research, they follow the existent laws and order. They have no choice. They do not practice time and chance. Evolutionary scientists like getting paid systematically, not according to their evolutionary belief, randomly, so they can buy food based on God’s order of likes begetting likes. Evolutionary scientists claim there is no Creator but to perform science, they must borrow from God’s order while denying Him. This makes them hypocrites.

Christians are now affirming the Genesis account of creation in regard to literal six 24 hour day creation, the age of the earth being approximately 6,000 years old (Biblical chronology), and the universal flood as the explanation for fossils. Anyone interested in finding out more about the truth in this regard can read Henry Morris’ book, The Genesis Flood. The truth of the Bible always wins out.

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