Saturday, December 29, 2007


I read the article by Bill Stone. The same old socialist drivel. Socialism is his religious faith. He does not understand real economics because his religious bigotry of class warfare i.e. the haves and the have nots blinds him. He wants government to pay for everything rather than having individuals take responsibility for their own actions. Socialists are full of envy. They want to level the playing field through de-capitalizing taxation.

The socialist are vehemently opposed to the Ten Commandments. They do not like the one that says, "Thou shalt not steal." Socialists want to steal from the productive (rich) and give to the unproductive (lazy). They do this through the policy of the unfair tax policy of Karl Marx known as progressive taxation. Also through confiscatory taxes such as property and estate taxes. Socialists believe what is yours is theirs. They hate private property. They are clearly anti-family. They do not want families to inherit but they want their parent to inherit, the government. They believe that the government is obligated to take care of them from womb to tomb They promise freedom but their system always leads to a totalitarian dictatorship controlled by the elite. Socialism is death to liberty.

The Bible teaches free enterprise. People need to work and they can even start their own businesses and become rich. Socialism believes in salvation by equality. In their view, inequalities are a sin. They do not understand the division of labor. Not everyone has the capacity or ability to perform certain professions. Men still do not have babies. Inequalities in life are inescapable concepts. The socialist utopians cannot comprehend this. Their faith will not allow it. I put my faith and trust in God, not in government. He owns it all anyway, not the government.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


What is wrong with loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself? Those opposing the Ten Commandments demonstrate their hatred of God and hatred of their neighbor as themselves. Love is defined by the law of God. If I love God, I will have no other gods before Him, not be involved in idolatry, not take His name in vain, keep the Sabbath day holy, and honor my father and mother. What is wrong with this?

If I love my neighbor as myself, I will not murder my neighbor, not commit adultery with my neighbor, not steal from my neighbor, not bear false witness against my neighbor, and not covet the possessions of my neighbor. What is wrong with this? Paul said in Romans 13:10 that love was the fulfilling of the law. Why do these commandments bother people so badly? Do they not know these commandments judge them?

They do not know because sinners hate God and His people with all of their hearts. They want to make it as though Christians are outlaws and sinners, when they themselves are the guilty ones. I am sure that even sinners enjoy the protection of "Thou shalt not steal." What do they have against their property not being stolen? What is wrong with "Thou shalt not commit adultery?" It is what keeps families strong and together. What is wrong with this?

Saturday, December 15, 2007


The received faith of our day for the naive is the myth of neutrality. Neutrality does not exist. We are assured that we do not have anything to worry about from evolution. Ideas have consequences and evolutionary ideas have fatal results. Evolution is the biggest hoax and fairy tale ever perpetrated on the mind of man. Science and evolution are not the same. Evolution is the religion of no God, only man. It is death to God and also man.

If evolution were true, likes would beget unlikes (abiogenesis). The Bible teaches likes beget likes. When scientists do research, they follow the existent laws and order. They have no choice. They do not practice time and chance. Evolutionary scientists like getting paid systematically, not according to their evolutionary belief, randomly, so they can buy food based on God’s order of likes begetting likes. Evolutionary scientists claim there is no Creator but to perform science, they must borrow from God’s order while denying Him. This makes them hypocrites.

Christians are now affirming the Genesis account of creation in regard to literal six 24 hour day creation, the age of the earth being approximately 6,000 years old (Biblical chronology), and the universal flood as the explanation for fossils. Anyone interested in finding out more about the truth in this regard can read Henry Morris’ book, The Genesis Flood. The truth of the Bible always wins out.

Saturday, December 8, 2007



It is amazing how barbaric modern man has become. The religion of evolution has taken us deep into the very pit of hell itself. It is truly astounding that we call ourselves a free country. Free for whom? It is only free if you are immoral and wicked as far as the government condoning and passing laws in favor of such evil. For the righteous, we are told that our voices are not to be heard in the public square. You know, separation of church and state. Of course, most Christians buy into such drivel. Their voice has been quieted by accepting many of the presuppositions of the humanist. If these supposed Christians find out you home school, they fear that your children will not be socialized properly. After all, our children have to be exposed to sin in all of its grotesque forms for our children to turn out properly. They never have stopped to consider that we are trying to protect our children from this kind of socialization. It never dawns on them that there are alternatives and children do not have to rebel against authority. They are simply dupes of the present system that they support by such stupid statements as the government schools being their schools and we will get prayer back into these dens of iniquity.

Intelligence is something that is lacking in our day. There are not many independent thinkers. Most people are lemmings. They follow the crowd. They refuse to think for themselves, so someone else must do it for them. They live in a world of denial. It just cannot be that way they keep telling themselves. Things like that just do not happen in America. Our government would never lie to me. They only tell the truth. The moral slide continues in America. There seems to be no end to the immoral juggernaut. Christians have been powerless to stop it. They have been putting all of their energies in the fighting of lost causes. They believe that they will eventually win somehow and yet Jesus continues to be banned in the government schools. One atheist can impose his or her religious beliefs on an entire country and millions of Christians are powerless to do anything about it, but go along. It never occurs to them that God is speaking volumes to them telling them to pull their children out of the government schools. This would force parents to have to be responsible for raising their own children rather than someone else. Of course, they hate that word responsibility. They would rather accept the humanist system and bow down to their masters than to take responsibility and we wonder why the moral decay continues?

It is time to wake up and get your head out of the sand and quit denying what is going on and get involved and turn the ship around from its present course. Only 20% will respond. The 80% majority are characterized by being do nothing complainers. They complain about everything, but do nothing about it. This crowd complains about the trash and filth on the television and they say the Federal Communications Commission should clean up. They simply refuse to get a backbone and rid themselves once and for all of this idiot box. Secretly they love this garbage and have not got their fill yet or else they would throw it out. So on and on they complain, lining the pockets of the wicked. Here is a simple economic lesson. Where there is no demand, the supply will dry up. It is only with demand that supply can continue. Figure it out. I know when I am speaking to the 80%, I am wasting my time. They are not the ones I am trying to reach. I am looking for the 20% of hardcores. These are the doers. They take information and doing something with it. They do not look for lost causes to exude tremendous amounts of energy beating against the air. They put into operation different strategies that actually work and bring about results. I always look for what works and I know in general if the crowd is doing it, then that cannot be the right way. All of this is sad but true. Not much matters to the 80%, other than that they be left alone in their mediocrity.

Most people cannot take truth straight up. It has to be watered down for them. You have to speak in simplest terms for them to comprehend. Complex thought is too difficult. This is why they can be led astray so easily. They do not want to think things through completely. Too much effort and work involved. Something that requires effort just scares them off. They read the newspaper and believe what they read. They do not realize how they are being manipulated and not given the whole picture by the liberal media. The media knows how to manipulate the lemmings. They know that these shallow thinkers will swallow all without asking, "What is this?" Take it, doctor’s orders, you know. Whatever you do, do not think for yourselves. Of course, no one should be to hard on these folks. They were taught in the lower education of the government schools that makes any normal person hate learning. They have been brainwashed and conditioned not to think. Any knowledge they get has to be spoon fed to them. They have been conditioned just to accept everything as it is. After all, there is nothing we can do anyway. They have developed learned helplessness. It never occurs to them that someone is doing something to cause things to be the way they are. They believe there are forces out there beyond their control. So they do nothing.

Their middle name is procrastination. They know that they should do something, but they think that they will do it next week, or maybe next year and of course, we know that these never come. They do come, but now they are thinking a week in advance again. Any one that has witnessed about the Lord to others knows how they have wasted much time trying to convince people who did not want to do anything about their eternal future. After all, they have not killed anyone lately, so how bad could they be compared to that drug addict? Time goes by and they end up accomplishing nothing with their life. It was all a waste. Going around in circles and amounting to nothing. They are consumers and not producers. They are essentially destructive and not constructive. Their lack of doing nothing allows the other 20% to run roughshod over the rest of the population imposing their wicked immorality on the rest of us.

Am I worried about offending the 80%? No. They won’t read what I write. They do not respond to being motivated. Motivation is the last thing they want to do. They just do not have the energy for action. They have a hard time getting out of bed and moving. It might require energy. They are not motivated to see a change in things. They are perfectly content with the way things are. As long as they keep Social Security solvent, what is there to care about? My response to people saying there is nothing you can do about it: Really, just get out of my way because I will show you that you are wrong. The kind of individual I am writing to can be motivated. They can and will respond to the call. They will bring about results and get things accomplished.

Life is about life and death. It comes down to this. Most people do not really believe that there is a lake of fire which is the second death. If they did, they would order their lives wholly different than they do. They are practical atheists. They say they believe in God, but they do not live as though He exists. I for one know that there is an eternal state known as the lake of fire. This motivates me to make known that people need to respond to preventing death and do all they can to encourage life. Life is short and we only get one opportunity to get it right. You simply do not get a second chance. Therefore, it is imperative to begin to do what you can today. What you do today will have eternal consequences. Not only for yourself, but also for others.


If you do not realize that abortion is murder and forbidden by God, then on the authority of God’s word, you are not a Christian. It is just that simple. God is the author of life, not death. Jesus said that the Sadducees were in error not knowing the scriptures, that He was not the God of the dead, but of the living. So is it today. Abortion is the killing of an innocent baby for selfishness and callousness. It is hatred of life. It is the way of death.

The thought crossed my mind just recently that I must do more to see this wickedness stopped. I do not believe that the answer lies in violence. That only makes these killers more resolved to carry on their grisly practice. Abortion has now been legal in America for thirty years. It is entrenched and it is not going to be easy to see it recriminalized. After all the Pro-Life Movement has been at the job now for thirty years and still the killing goes on. The absolute answer is to close down all government schools, colleges, and universities. I wonder how may of these Pro-Lifers send their children to the government schools, colleges, and universities to learn the way of the heathen and that abortion is acceptable? These dens of iniquity will even help girls get one without the parents knowing about it.

In my mind, (I believe the Bible backs me in this: See Deut. 6:6-7), home schooling is the answer. Not the ordinary home school, however. The Bible clearly teaches the concept of apprenticeship. Our children should be taught the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic and then as they get older should be apprenticed in their biblical roles. The boys would learn to be husbands and a skill or trade and the girls would learn to be wives and keepers at home. Of course, both would be instructed in the Bible as the chief textbook. Fathers should provide for their daughters until married. In other words, they are to stay at home under the protection of their father until married. No, they should not go out and get a job. This is feminism. We have forgotten that the Bible says that they are the weaker vessel.

This protects our daughters from the influence of the world. Some lemming might object to this arrangement, but oh well, it works and protects from having to explain why one’s daughter’s stomach is beginning to expand. It saves a lot of embarrassment. The lemming believes dating works. He is a dupe. It does not and will not work. It leads to the plethora of birth control devices. What works is courting. Chaperoning young people works in reality. The other just leads to abortion if the birth control should fail. Better a dead baby than having to change one’s behavior. No touching until the wedding night, will keep passions from getting out of control. The dupe sees nothing wrong with hugging and kissing and adding fuel to passion. You know the results of this type of thinking.

A Planned Parenthood website had the following to say regarding abstinence. "Abstinence 100 Percent Effective: Continuous abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. It also prevents sexually transmitted infection." What an admission by Planned Parenthood. Of course, they go on to explain while this might be good for some especially when young, it is not preferable for all. After all, if all young people abstained from sex until they were married where would the money come to keep Planned Parenthood going? They are in the business of killing babies. Here is simple truth that even a dupe might be able to understand: If women do not have sex, they cannot get pregnant period. Pretty simple isn’t it? All truth is simple. Sin and lies are complex. Sin and lies require justification otherwise known as excuses. Truth needs no excuse.

Abstinence works every time, no matter what the liars say. It is 100% sure for preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If you do not do it, it cannot happen. This is reality. These liars want you to believe that if you use birth control that it will also prove 100% sure. Have you ever heard about a hole in a condom? My wife tells of an instance where a woman she worked with was on birth control and still got pregnant. Only married couples who do not use any kind of protection can truly relax and enjoy sex. Those having to use protection are uptight and concerned about pregnancy. They cannot enjoy sex because it is wholly unnatural. Watch animals and see if they practice birth control. Planned Parenthood is just another name for planned death. It is a documented fact that the pill causes abortions or the killing of a child. See Randy Alcorn’s book, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments.

The causes of abortion are legion and I am not attempting to be exhaustive in this writing. This is just like going through an expose of all the wickedness on television and instead of standing for it anymore, just getting rid of it. It renders all arguments about what is on it moot. The debate is ended. The best way to stop abortion is to make sure that your daughter is not having one. This requires forethought and protection. One is called abstinence, another courting, and young ladies staying at home until married. Simple isn’t it? It solves a whole bunch of problems.
What really prompted the writing of this article, was viewing this Planned Parenthood website and seeing a price list for killing a baby. It is simply mind boggling to see someone list their price for murder of an innocent baby. Now we know that is not what they call it. They lie and call it a surgical procedure. The Bible and I call it murder. In all my readings about this barbaric practice, I never once have seen anyone list the prices that are charged. I find this strange. Most who write about abortion are simply too nice about it. They do not want to offend these killers and they are sympathetic towards the murdering mother. I guess they do not consider her a murderer. I do because that is exactly what she is. These abortionists cannot perform their killing without these women demanding their services. Deceived or not, murder is still murder. They do not have to do it. They can say no.

These prices may have changed since they are as of September 1, 2002 and I am writing this on March 8, 2003. "$575 - 4.6 weeks, $390 - 5 to 11.6 weeks, $595 - 12 to 13.6 weeks, $890 - 14 to 15.6 weeks, $1,700 to 16 to 18 weeks, $1,995 - 18.1 to 20 weeks and $475 - Medical abortion up to 8 weeks." Here it is folks. This is how much this clinic will charge you to kill your baby. Attention Planned Parenthood shoppers, we have a bluelight special, you can kill your baby for the ridiculously low price of $390 if you come in between 5 to 11.6 weeks. Do not wait until the twelfth week because the price will increase by $205. Look how much you can save, if you just get in here early and let us get rid of that blob of tissue. Do not procrastinate and wait up until the eighteenth week where you will pay $1,605 more. Remember the early bird gets rid of the product of conception at a more affordable rate and it makes it easier on us. The longer you wait the riskier it becomes. So get in early and let us take care of disposing of that little act of indiscretion on your part. No we do not want you to be responsible for your actions. We want to enable you to continue to sin, we will take care of the consequences and everyone will live happily ever after. Remember we are a loving and caring operation who want to see the best for you. You will suffer no ill effects from this procedure. The only thing lost is a little cash.

I wonder how this ghastly affair is paid for. Do they accept all major credit cards? I could just see this after the murder has taken place, "Will that be Visa, MasterCard, Discover, check or cash?" What if the murderous mother’s check bounces or the credit card is maxed out? Maybe I am just being facetious here, but I think you get the idea of where I am coming from. This is not a charity after all. Someone has to pay for this murder. You can see a sign outside. Over 2,000 killed each year.


Folks, this is the reality of abortion. Quit being an ostrich. This goes on almost every day in America and the sad reality is that it is legal according to man’s law. It is, however, not so with God. Even though they may get away with it for right now, God has not lost count of one of these murders. He has recorded everyone and on the day of judgment, they will condemn the guilty to the lake of fire which is the second death. In the meantime, it is the privilege of parents to ensure that their children are not involved in being child killers.

Saturday, December 1, 2007



Most Christians have never been trained in financial matters. They have not the first clue about budgeting, savings, investing etc. My parents never taught me how to handle money. This is because they did not really understand it all that well. We were taught that if you want something you get and pay for it by debt i.e. making payments. We were never taught to live strictly on a cash basis. We have thus been forced to be slaves. It is better to be free than to have possessions that you do not fully own until completely paid for. When you pay on the installment method, you do not really own the property until it has been paid in full. Circumstances could force one who is in debt to not be able to repay their just debts.


To properly understand the Bible, we need to use what is known as applied theology.

Psalm 37:21 reads, "The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous showeth mercy, and giveth." The reason why an individual who borrows and does repay the debt is wicked is because they are thieves at heart. They have received goods and services without paying for them. They have gotten something for nothing and they probably did not really intend to pay it back. This leads us to the legal term known as bankruptcy. When you owe more than you possess, you are effectively bankrupt, if your creditors should make you pay in full what you owe them. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines "bankruptcy" as "The state of being bankrupt or insolvent; inability to pay all debts." People can and do make financial mistakes. Too many live from paycheck to paycheck and if they should lose their job, they are not able to continue to pay on the debt they have accumulated.

We have the trap of easy credit especially credit cards. On the credit card issuer’s side, you have greed and on the those utilizing credit cards, there is covetousness. Buy now and pay later. This leads to getting oneself overextended very quickly, especially if the borrower is using more than one credit card. People in America are living on a mountain of debt. The year of 2002 saw a record number of bankruptcy. The largest business failures occurred in this past year. Every time these companies were sitting on mounds of debt. Romans 13:8 says, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." Biblical wisdom says not to be in debt for anything. This is wise because none of us can accurately predict the future. By not going into debt, we stay free from situations in life that would render it impossible to repay.

To keep from being a thief, it is better to keep your financial house in order, then one will not be tempted to steal. Debt is a prelude to potential theft. When people get into financial trouble, the temptation of stealing becomes very pronounced. People do not think thoroughly in this kind of situation. They become gamblers willing to risk everything just to keep up with their debt payments or to live an extravagant lifestyle. Stealing is stealing no matter what form it may take. Many an individual has ruined their lives through being in excessive debt or living beyond their means and stealing to pay debt or continue in the indulgent lifestyle. It is just not worth it.

Proverbs 6:1-5 reads, "My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger, 2Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. 3Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend. 4Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. 5Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler." The Proverbs contains much wisdom. The above verses are wisdom regarding being a surety. Webster’s renders "suretiship" as "The state of being surety; the obligation of a person to answer for another, and make good any debt or loss which may occur from another’s delinquency." In other words, if you co-sign for another’s debt and they do not live up to their obligations, you are stuck with paying for the dead beat. The one that took out the debt is still responsible to repay, but the surety is looked to make good on the loan. Wisdom says that if this is what you have done, then get free from your obligation at whatever price is necessary. Surety is slavery and Christians are called to be free.


Who is going to pay the bills should you die prematurely? It is wise not to leave others after your demise with all your debt. Better to have nothing and no debt, than to have everything purchased on credit and having to make payments. Some short term debt may be necessary at times. However, make sure it is very short term. Excessive debt can and does lead to an individuals becoming thieves. Proverbs 22:7 is still true today, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." The word servant here really is slave. The borrower obeys the dictates of the lender. He is not free but in bondage. If in debt, remember you are obligated to pay your debts until paid off. For the Christian, bankruptcy is never an option. Stay out of debt and avoid debt like the plague. Debt is a spiritual problem. It is based upon a covetous heart. Remember the commandment says, "Thou shalt not steal."