Saturday, August 30, 2008



No matter how old some people get, they seem to think that they can legitimately solve their problems by the use of force. When one is not able to express himself well, he usually resorts to his fists to get his point across. Men’s minds are not changed by such, just the desire for revenge has been inflamed. Because of the sin nature, there will always be the necessity of civil law. This is the number one problem. Men are born with a tyrant in their hearts that controls their actions unless born again and sanctified by the Spirit. Not everyone is going to get saved. Therefore, it is necessary to have laws that forbid certain actions of men and if men go over these clear prohibitions, then there has to be remedies for their actions that both restore the victim to wholeness and punishes the perpetrator in hopes of him amending his future actions. This is essential to protect those who are obedient. The law protects as well as prosecutes.


To properly understand the Bible, we need to use what is known as applied theology.

Exodus 21-18-19 reads, "And if men strive together, and one smite another with a stone, or with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed: 19If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed." These case laws are cause and effect situations. That is they are if-then scenarios. If the above situation occurs, here is what is to be done to rectify the circumstance.

Here we have the example of a fight between two combatants. One takes a stone or his fist and does a number on the other. If death is not involved and if the injured one is able to get around again i.e. not permanently disabled, then the penalty to the one using the greater force is to pay for any lost wages and medical payments. The winner of this fight ends up losing economically. This is obviously a deterrent to keep people from solving their disputes by using force. Problems do not get solved this way. This is a destructive problem solving, not constructive.

The question could be asked, "Should we as a society allow pugilism? People in our society get paid mega-bucks to beat up another individual. Even death has resulted as the result of this legal sport. Romans 12:18 reads, "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." How can it be that we are fulfilling this scripture if we are trying to knock the brains of our opponent out? Now women are getting in on the act. Can you imagine your mother or grandmother getting into the ring and fighting another woman? It sounds so ludicrous because it is. Does violent sports promote social order and peace?

Some parents take their children’s sports so serious that they have been known to beat up coaches, referees, other parents etc. and even kill them from outright rage. All this over a little league game. People need protection from such actions. Take any sport, and there have been bench clearing brawls and people really get hurt. In one basketball game, a player hit another player that did not even see it coming. It shattered his face and he had to have much surgery and medical attention. The one who did it is clearly a thug. The examples of like things are endless. A society of peace will not allow such sports to be played. Should Christian parents allow their children to participate in such events? I do not know how they can defend it on biblical grounds. Is there any examples in the Bible of any of God’s people playing sports of any kind?

We as Christians are to be concerned with being in peace and harmony with our fellow man, not in fighting with him. Hebrews 12:14 says, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." This verse makes it clear that peace is our aim with all. To fight over issues shows a clear lack of grace in our hearts. When we received terms of peace with God, we are to be at peace with all men. Romans 15:33 reads, "Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen." God is a God of peace and when we are saved and sanctified, we are to reflect this by our actions toward our fellow man. We are not to beat them up. I have been personally threatened with bodily harm because I have spoken out against men’s sin. This is the way sinners try to solve their conflicts, by the use of force. It is the way of stupidity because it is costly.


People who fight are not smart. Someone usually comes out the victor, but under biblical law, the victor ends up being the loser. God wants to use deterrents to try to persuade men that there are more constructive ways to resolve their disputes with one another. The use of force ends up causing everyone to be a loser. It is destructive of order and peace. It settles absolutely nothing but always makes things worse. It is simple, do not fight!

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