Saturday, August 9, 2008



We live in a modern world, where the politically correct want everything to be inclusive. They talk about the unconditional love of God. Of course, they espouse a false gospel. It allows them to keep doing what they are doing and seek to legitimize it. Legitimacy is an inescapable concept. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines "legitimate" as, "...Genuine; real; proceeding from a pure source; not false or spurious..." The politically correct do not know the first thing about the Bible. They are biblical bastards. They are not genuine. Their source is the devil and he certainly is not pure. There is no neutrality. It is either black or white. It is either heaven or the lake of fire. There is no in between. The politically correct are hypocrites know this, but as with all unrighteous Romans 1:18 applies, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." They suppress the truth because it contradicts their beliefs and actions and they do not want to repent.


To properly understand the Bible, we need to use what is known as applied theology.

Exodus 22:20 reads, "He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed." This is plain. The devil and his crowd always try to find a loophole. They will try to use one hundred and one qualifications. Their motto is, "If it is clear, qualify it do death." They try to divert one’s attention from the issue at hand. It is wise for the people of God to stick to the main point. Always go back to what the word states and hold your ground. Satan’s tactic will always be Genesis 3:1, "...Yea, hath God said..." It will never change because he can never change. He will always use wiles and schemes of doubt and skepticism. All of this is just a smokescreen, to hide his real intention.

This law concerns sacrifice. Sacrifice was to be used to make atonement for one’s sins. Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." To offer a sacrifice to any other god than the Lord would be trying to establish another system of salvation rather than the established method that God has ordained. In effect, it is saying that one does not need God’s grace and forgiveness to be saved. It is trying to establish a law apart from God’s law.

Atonement is an inescapable concept. Men seek to make amends for their sins by their own efforts. This, however, will not work. We are to seek forgiveness for our sins through God. To do otherwise is a clear violation of Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Sacrifice is to be the Lord Jehovah only, or exclusively. Jesus said of those who would try to come into salvation other than the prescribed way in John 10:1, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." In our day, this speak about the politically correct, who want everyone to included in heaven, regardless of their manner of living. They do not want any differences made between the righteous and the wicked. They are inclusive and not exclusive.

God is a jealous God and He will not share His glory with any else. The Lord said in Isaiah 42:8, "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." He would not allow His glory to be given to another. This speaks of God’s exclusivity. He will not allow man to sacrifice to false gods which are in reality, not gods at all. To sacrifice to another god is the equivalent of saying that all gods are the same. Not one is above the other. This of course, leads to many gods and many laws. This is moral relativism. This enables man to be his own god. In other words, it enables man to determine what is acceptable to him and what is not. It is also saying that there are many ways to God, not just one. This of course would negate John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus claims to be the exclusive way to God the Father. Not many ways, but one way. Not many truths, but one truth. The inclusive forgot to read this verse because it contradicts their lies.

Judges 21:25 speaks about the inclusive, "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes." There was no law, so man was lawless. He claimed that no one told him what to do. He said that there were no moral absolutes. He said that we are living in a different day. He said that society had changed etc. He forgot that the Lord said in Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." God is immutable and He will not change, His law to accommodate those who profess to be inclusive.


God’s punishment for someone who sacrificed to another god was the death penalty. This individual was seeking to establish another way to atone for his sin. He was seeking to be autonomous from God. God will not allow it. God is a God of exclusion for the wicked and inclusion for the righteous. Not everyone gets included.

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