Tuesday, August 7, 2007


We are faced with two views of eternity. One view is that eternity is what it says it is; eternal. The other claims there is no eternity; that this life is all that there is. Both of these views cannot be correct. One is correct and the other is incorrect. Depending on which view is right, it will have a dramatic impact upon how we see the world. There is not a third option available.

Every religion has to deal with what happens to a person when they die. It is not something that can be avoided seeing that it happens to each and every man. Those who have no hope beyond the grave fear death more than anything else in the world ,contrary to their claims to the otherwise. They just do not like to think on such matters. It is disturbing to them.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines "theology" as, "Divinity; the science of God and divine things; or the science which teaches the existence, character and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice. Theology consists of two branches, natural and revealed. Natural theology is the knowledge we have of God from his works, by the light of nature and reason. Revealed theology is that which is to be learned only from revelation..."

This definition is sufficient to give us a good beginning point as to what theology is comprised of. Theology has been out of favor as an area of knowledge for many years. It is beginning to gain ground and advance, in our time, because of the collapse of humanism. The last century was the bloodiest century of all time. It was the century where Darwinism controlled all the branches of knowledge. Darwinism is now on the run. The back of the monopoly is being broken.

Darwinism is the crown jewel of humanism. It is the opposite of theology because it is atheism. The educational system is still based on atheistic principles. The only problem is that when these principles are tried in the world, they fail at every juncture. To be successful in the world, everyone must become an operational Trinitarian.

How do we believe that there is a God? By faith. How do atheists believe that there is no God? By faith. Man is made in the image of God and therefore he is revelational of God. Man cannot avoid God’s image in him. God’s image remains no matter how much he may protest. He knows deep down in his heart of hearts there is a God to whom he is accountable.

He chooses to try to ignore it. Paul in Romans 1:18 gives us an accurate picture of the atheist’s attempt to avoid God, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." The humanist attempts vainly to suppress the truth. He thought that Darwinism would keep the truth of creation from being used in the curriculums of all branches of knowledge.

The minute that creation begins to be proclaimed, he cries out separation of church and state. What he means by this is not true separation in function but philosophically. His theory cannot stand the light of day and deep down he knows it. Since the facts are not on his side, he is forced to resort to censorship. This is the very one who will cry censorship if a book is to be banned because of questionable content. He lives in the world of double standards. What he does want censored is theology or Christianity.

The humanist has been able to get away this for over a century. He is well entrenched but the walls are crumbling all around him. His lies are being shown for what they are; lies. He fears Christians who are militant in knowledge. He has been able to dupe so many in the church for so long because they had to run the gauntlet of humanist education.

The chief way that the humanist seeks to suppress the truth is through accreditation. Patrick Henry College was having trouble being granted accreditation because they believe in creation and not evolution. The vast majority of accrediting agencies are in the enemies hands. They are enemies of the truth of God.

The humanist is only able to continue his hoax of knowledge by coercion. That coercion is at the end of a gun barrel. The taxpayer is forced to pay for false theology. There are alternatives that are beginning to challenge this monopoly. It will take time but eventually these institutions of philosophical lower learning will fall.

Truth always overcomes falsehood just as light overpowers darkness. We know that God exists. Not because we can see and feel Him but because our faith is in the truth. Hebrews 11:6 reads, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." To please God, we must believe that He exists. We believe by faith and trust in Him who cannot lie.

The atheist would say that he is entitled to his own opinion. I agree that he is and he is entitled to be wrong.

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