Tuesday, August 14, 2007


The fool hath said in heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
Psalm 53:1

As with all things in life, there are only two possible options available to us. There is no neutrality. This presupposes that there is one standard by which all other standards are to be judged. This standard is the standard of truth. So who gets to determine what the standard of truth is? There are only two options, God or man.

For our purposes, Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines "standard" as, "That which is established by sovereign power as a rule or measure by which others are to be adjusted." Sovereignty then is the key to who gets to establish what the standard of truth will be. Which came first the standard or man? If man comes first, then he can establish any rule he so chooses. If the standard came first, then man must adjust his beliefs and behavior in accordance with the standard.

The sovereign must be transcendent. Not only must he establish all rules and measures of truth but they must be in accord with his own being. There can be no contradictions between the standard and the one instituting the standard or else the standard will be one that is always in a state of flux. The standard must be immutable otherwise it is not a standard.

To establish a standard of truth, the maker of the standard must be omniscient. Without omniscience, how could a standard of truth be truth? How could someone with limited intellectual capabilities be able to know all things at one time? This standard of truth would have to be universal and applicable to all generations that would ever exist. It would also have to be superintended universally.

How can man be everywhere all at one time? How can he know what is going on in all places and at all times to ensure that his standard of truth is being properly handled everywhere and that all heresy is being stamped out?

The sovereign must be omnipotent. He must have the power to put this standard of truth into the very fabric of all the universe and then have the power to punish all who would disobey the standard of truth.

The sovereign must be immortal. He cannot superintend the standard of truth one day and suddenly disappear from the scene the next. The standard of truth would then have to be changed with a new sovereign making up a new standard. Then there would be no predictability in the universe. The sun would no longer rise in the east and set in the west. It could be anything when the new sovereign takes over. In this new world of flux, nothing could operate because the standard would change so often. In this chance universe, we would have to learn a new standard continuously because the old had been changed again. We just could not make any progress because we are constantly having to build and rebuild according to a shifting standard.

The question asked is; Does God Exist? Another question that could be asked is Does Man Exist? While some would answer the first question in the negative, they would readily affirm the second. The next question that needs to be asked is Why Does Man Exist? For those who say that God does not exist, their answer would be man exists because he exists. In other words, man exists for no reason or purpose. In this world of no reason or purpose, man must therefore determine his own reason or purpose for existing.

Each man must do this for himself. There is no universal standard of truth available in this new world. If he is a serial killer, this is what he exists for and this is what he has determined he should be and no one has the right to tell him otherwise because there is no standard by which he is to be judged because there is no one above him. He has determined himself to be the new sovereign of the universe. Magnify this by six billion people and the result is utter chaos and anarchy.

In this brave new world, we find that the new sovereign cannot figure out when life begins. They know that it begins at conception but rather than adjusting to the standard of truth they have altered the standard to fit their whims. Now a baby is no longer a baby. It is a blob of tissue. The mother now says to the father, " I feel the blob of tissue kicking." In this world where God does not exist, women are given the legal right to murder their own babies. In this world of their own design, they have no hope for the future because there is no reason or purpose for the future.
In the world where God does not exist, man is a coward. He will seek to destroy the weak and defenseless. Besides murdering babies, men will desire to wipe out the sick and feeble from the face of the earth. Man does not want the responsibility of taking care of them because he is his own sovereign establishing his own standard of truth, which is narcissism. He does for himself to the disregard of all others.

How did man arrive at this state? By way of negation. The only way that he can seek to overthrow the true sovereign is by denial. When he denies that God exists, then he has to deny that anyone else exists other than himself. This would mean that he is the only sovereign in the universe and everyone must bow to his standard of truth. He does not love his neighbor. He hates and despises him and seeks a way to destroy him.

This destruction is all gussied up to look like compassion but it is just the opposite. An example is eugenics. Wikipedia gives this definition of eugenics and its supposed compassion, "Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.[1] The goals of various groups advocating eugenics have been to create healthier, more intelligent people, to save society's resources, and lessen human suffering." Pure and simple it is the way for man to say who lives and who dies, because in a world where God does not exist by default man is the sovereign and he must determine death and life.

Man will, of course, not determine death and life on a universal standard but on one that shifts like the sands of the Sahara Desert. One day in your favor, the next day it is off with your head. If you do not believe that eugenics is pernicious, then look at the results of this philosophy. "Historically, eugenics has been used as a justification for coercive state-sponsored discrimination and human rights violations, such as forced sterilization of persons who are claimed to have genetic defects, the killing of the institutionalized population and, in some cases, outright genocide of races perceived as inferior or undesirable." (Wikipedia). This is what happens when man does not believe that God exists. He becomes a complete barbarian.

Notice the list of barbarians who have actively supported eugenics or have actually practiced it, "The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1865, drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin. From its inception eugenics was supported by prominent people, including Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Margaret Sanger. Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Funding was provided by prestigious sources such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute of Washington, and the Harriman family.[2] Its scientific reputation started to tumble in the 1930s, a time when Ernst RĂ¼din began incorporating eugenic rhetoric into the racial policies of Nazi Germany." (Wikipedia)

Charles Darwin’s theory of origins helped spring the eugenics movement. This is not amazing because Darwin’s theory begins with the premise that God does not exist. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s were notorious for their efforts in genocide and trying to create supermen. Margaret Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood which is the chief provider of abortions (murdering of innocent babies) in the United States. Eugenics is an elitist policy where only the fit are allowed to survive. The elite then becomes the new sovereign. A word of warning, do not fall out of favor with the elite or else your days will be numbered.

Does God exist? The Bible says that only fools, elites and intellectuals believe that there is no God. What is the result of their disbelief? They are corrupt and they have committed abominable iniquities and there is not one of them that does any good to anyone. Charles Darwin, Adolph Hitler, and Margaret Sanger all believed that they lived in a world where God does not exist. They left in their wake, death and destruction and have gone down in history as infamous.

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