Thursday, March 12, 2009


The key to history is to make progress. Time is linear and therefore, we should be making progress in all aspects of life. We are living in a time and age of regression. The spiritual regression is being made apparent by physical regression. Those whose heart’s guiding principle is death will automatically go backwards and become primitive. Why do people mutilate their bodies by piercing and tattoos? This is not a sign of civilization but a visible sign of reverting to a primitive lifestyle.

The reason for this reversion is obvious to those who are in the know. Most people do not understand it because they lack the interpretive key. Their method of interpretation does not differ in any way from those who have mutilated their bodies. There is a liberal idolatry and a conservative idolatry. Idolatry is the culmination of the interpretive method of the literal. The literal method of interpretation is the doltish way of taking everything at face value. It is a superficial method of interpretation. It ignores any underlying reality. It is a method that demonstrates the interpreter’s lack of understanding.

The literal method is the method used by the Pre-Millennial and antinomian. The Left Behind Series is the literal masterpiece. I made a statement that I could not write a novel. A congregant told me that I could write a novel and the name of it would be the Moving Forward Series. Unless we are progressing, by definition, we are regressing. In never dawns upon those who interpret scripture literally that their system is wholly faulty and will never come to the proper interpretation. So they come up with the same failed interpretation over and over again.

I have never been one to be lacking in confidence. Confidence is essential if one is going to start a new school of thought. All scripture is interpreted scripture. In other words, one’s understanding of scripture is determined by his method of interpretation. Interpretation has consequences. There are only two ways of interpreting scripture. One is literally and the other is the spiritual method.

The spiritual method is based upon the spiritual preceding the physical or the law of cause and effect with the addition of the law of identity. The spiritual method of interpretation is comprised of the laws of grammar and historical context. The law of identity incorporates reason and logic. The spiritual method is a trinity. It takes into account the spirit (heart), mind, and body. It is a complete method of interpretation.

The literal method is based solely upon the physical. It denies any underlying spiritual reality. Those who say they interpret scripture literally will reject God’s law as applicable to today. Romans 7:14 reads in part, "For we know that the law is spiritual..." It makes sense that they reject the law because it is spiritual. Literal interpretation is unspiritual because it rejects the source of the spiritual. Remember that God is Spirit.

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